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Monitor VibraRod Cut sheet 553P-DV VibraRod-Cut Sheet
DuraVibeTM Model VibraRodTM Vibratory Level Sensor
Features & Advantages
Durability for powders and bulk solids
Stainless steel probe construction for durable, maintenance-free performance.
- Varying moisture, temperature, material composition? No problem!
- Detects light (10 lbs/ft3) to heavy, dense materials with protective baffling.
- Pipe extension units are available.
Peace-of-mind Reliability
- Self-cleaning, single probe design eliminates false signals found with “tuning fork” designs.
- Probe is tip-sensitive and unaffected by material build-up near mounting base.
- Reduced probe diameter and overall length to make it less vulnerable to bending and less susceptible to material build-up.
- Fail safe feature provides alarm in case of a power failure.
“Set it and forget it”
- No calibration required! Easy installation and commissioning.
- Three sensitivity settings for optimum performance.
- External status LED provides visual indication. (Ord. Loc. units only)
Superior third party approval compliance
- Ordinary and Hazardous location approvals.
- Intrinsically safe probe for ultimate hazardous location protection.
Principle of Operation
The VibraRod™ point level sensor is a mechanical resonance system that is excited at a resonance by an electrical circuit. Two
piezoelectric crystals are mounted internally at the probe’s base. The electronic module generates an electrical signal that has an
equivalent frequency to the probe’s resonant frequency; this signal is applied to one crystal, which causes the probe to vibrate. The
vibration is monitored by the second crystal which provides an electrical signal back to the electronic module. When material contacts and surrounds the probe, the vibration is dampened and the signal from the second crystal is reduced. This signal reduction is detected by the electronic module, which reacts by providing a signal out of the module through the relay contacts. The sensitivity for the VibraRod is selectable. The single probe design prevents material bridging, which is common with the dual-blade (“tuning fork”) design.