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TrueCap® RF Capacitance Point Level Sensor s
Remote Inventory Management System – Continuous Level Measurement
Features & Advantages
Extensive Product Line for Bulk Solid Applications
Superior Sensitivity of 0.5pF is Standard
Maximum Reliability and Calibration Stability
Automatic Material Build-Up Immunity
Universal Power Supply Available
Quick-Connect Process Connection Option
Twist On/Off Cover
Two-year Warranty
Liquid and Slurry Applications
TrueCap®RF capacitance sensors offer cost-effective point level monitoring with reliability you can count on. Monitor’s complete line, which features models MK-2 and MK-2e, provides you with the most affordable solution for your application. Monitor’s RF capacitance probes are designed to provide a high level of sensitivity, stability and durability for powder and bulk solids applications, as well as liquid and slurry applications. Monitor’s two-year warranty stands behind every TrueCap sensor.